Dear travelers.
This is Han from Taiwan,
In 2014, I was helping in a rural school.
In 2014, I was helping in a rural school.
During my staying there, I tried to invite foreign travelers, mostly couchsurfers to visit our school.
Barely no tourist would ever visit that area,
not even Taiwanese people……
The students have little chance to meet the
outside world, and most of them don’t know why they should learn English or many other
What they can imagine about their future is no more than being a farmer, a truck driver or a worker in a factory……
That’s why I want to let them meet more
different people, people from other country, other culture, other life style.
The travelers were not considered as teachers, they don’t have to teach anything, just share
and have fun with the students.
We do not expect that the students would
improve their English simply through these. What we want actually is to
motivate them, let them be willing to communicate with the other people,
and let them know that there are many people living their life so
differently from what they could imagine.
Now, I have already left the school. And made this event into a national project. I am trying to connect with the other schools, tribes or villages that will be interested in having travelers to visit and live with them.
We are building the "couchsurfers in class" map that travelers can find different place to help in each county.
If you are interested in, feel free to contact us, we will have local guide to talk to you first...... it seems like an interview but take easy, we just want to know more about you before introducing you to the schools.
After that, we will arrange you to connect with the schools according to your schedule and preference.
You will have meals with the students and stay with the teacher or family of the students if you want.
Well..... you may not find tourist spots to visit nor beautiful landscape to enjoy here, because we only focus on places which is famous for nothing.
But you can see what the most NORMAL people live their lifes here. You will know the true part of Taiwan that other tourists could hardly see.

Many of the travelers are more interested in living with the locals than to visiting the crowded tourist spots, they just don’t know how to start.
After we went traveling, most of us have learned so much things that we could never know at school,something we deeply hope that we could know it as young as possible.
Please share it with them.
Important:We are not a company nor a charity.
None of us makes any profit by doing this, we do it only for fun. Nothing will be charged,so please respect everyone who participate in this project.(Local guide, teachers, host families.....)
And of course, we respect travelers and appreciate everyone's willing to participate.
Feel free to contact me if you want to participate.You can fill up this form first and we will contact you as soon as possible.
People say that rural communities need tourists to shop, to consume, so the poor people can earn more money.
I don't think that money should be the only thing we can expect from the foreigners......
They can do much more than what people thought.
Let's prove this!
I am very much interested.
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